# "Invidious" (which is an alternative front-end to YouTube) # Copyright (C) 2019 Omar Roth # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . require "digest/md5" require "file_utils" require "kemal" require "athena-negotiation" require "openssl/hmac" require "option_parser" require "sqlite3" require "xml" require "yaml" require "compress/zip" require "protodec/utils" require "./invidious/database/*" require "./invidious/database/migrations/*" require "./invidious/helpers/*" require "./invidious/yt_backend/*" require "./invidious/*" require "./invidious/channels/*" require "./invidious/user/*" require "./invidious/routes/**" require "./invidious/jobs/**" CONFIG = Config.load HMAC_KEY = CONFIG.hmac_key || Random::Secure.hex(32) PG_DB = DB.open CONFIG.database_url ARCHIVE_URL = URI.parse("https://archive.org") LOGIN_URL = URI.parse("https://accounts.google.com") PUBSUB_URL = URI.parse("https://pubsubhubbub.appspot.com") REDDIT_URL = URI.parse("https://www.reddit.com") TEXTCAPTCHA_URL = URI.parse("https://textcaptcha.com") YT_URL = URI.parse("https://www.youtube.com") HOST_URL = make_host_url(Kemal.config) CHARS_SAFE = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_" TEST_IDS = {"AgbeGFYluEA", "BaW_jenozKc", "a9LDPn-MO4I", "ddFvjfvPnqk", "iqKdEhx-dD4"} MAX_ITEMS_PER_PAGE = 1500 REQUEST_HEADERS_WHITELIST = {"accept", "accept-encoding", "cache-control", "content-length", "if-none-match", "range"} RESPONSE_HEADERS_BLACKLIST = {"access-control-allow-origin", "alt-svc", "server"} HTTP_CHUNK_SIZE = 10485760 # ~10MB CURRENT_BRANCH = {{ "#{`git branch | sed -n '/* /s///p'`.strip}" }} CURRENT_COMMIT = {{ "#{`git rev-list HEAD --max-count=1 --abbrev-commit`.strip}" }} CURRENT_VERSION = {{ "#{`git log -1 --format=%ci | awk '{print $1}' | sed s/-/./g`.strip}" }} # This is used to determine the `?v=` on the end of file URLs (for cache busting). We # only need to expire modified assets, so we can use this to find the last commit that changes # any assets ASSET_COMMIT = {{ "#{`git rev-list HEAD --max-count=1 --abbrev-commit -- assets`.strip}" }} SOFTWARE = { "name" => "invidious", "version" => "#{CURRENT_VERSION}-#{CURRENT_COMMIT}", "branch" => "#{CURRENT_BRANCH}", } YT_POOL = YoutubeConnectionPool.new(YT_URL, capacity: CONFIG.pool_size, use_quic: CONFIG.use_quic) # CLI Kemal.config.extra_options do |parser| parser.banner = "Usage: invidious [arguments]" parser.on("-c THREADS", "--channel-threads=THREADS", "Number of threads for refreshing channels (default: #{CONFIG.channel_threads})") do |number| begin CONFIG.channel_threads = number.to_i rescue ex puts "THREADS must be integer" exit end end parser.on("-f THREADS", "--feed-threads=THREADS", "Number of threads for refreshing feeds (default: #{CONFIG.feed_threads})") do |number| begin CONFIG.feed_threads = number.to_i rescue ex puts "THREADS must be integer" exit end end parser.on("-o OUTPUT", "--output=OUTPUT", "Redirect output (default: #{CONFIG.output})") do |output| CONFIG.output = output end parser.on("-l LEVEL", "--log-level=LEVEL", "Log level, one of #{LogLevel.values} (default: #{CONFIG.log_level})") do |log_level| CONFIG.log_level = LogLevel.parse(log_level) end parser.on("-v", "--version", "Print version") do puts SOFTWARE.to_pretty_json exit end parser.on("--migrate", "Run any migrations") do Invidious::Database::Migrator.new(PG_DB).migrate exit end end Kemal::CLI.new ARGV if CONFIG.output.upcase != "STDOUT" FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(CONFIG.output)) end OUTPUT = CONFIG.output.upcase == "STDOUT" ? STDOUT : File.open(CONFIG.output, mode: "a") LOGGER = Invidious::LogHandler.new(OUTPUT, CONFIG.log_level) # Run migrations if Invidious::Database::Migrator.new(PG_DB).pending_migrations? puts "There are pending migrations. Run `invidious --migrate` to apply the migrations." exit 46 end # Check table integrity Invidious::Database.check_integrity(CONFIG) {% if !flag?(:skip_videojs_download) %} # Resolve player dependencies. This is done at compile time. # # Running the script by itself would show some colorful feedback while this doesn't. # Perhaps we should just move the script to runtime in order to get that feedback? {% puts "\nChecking player dependencies...\n" %} {% if flag?(:minified_player_dependencies) %} {% puts run("../scripts/fetch-player-dependencies.cr", "--minified").stringify %} {% else %} {% puts run("../scripts/fetch-player-dependencies.cr").stringify %} {% end %} {% end %} # Start jobs if CONFIG.channel_threads > 0 Invidious::Jobs.register Invidious::Jobs::RefreshChannelsJob.new(PG_DB) end if CONFIG.feed_threads > 0 Invidious::Jobs.register Invidious::Jobs::RefreshFeedsJob.new(PG_DB) end DECRYPT_FUNCTION = DecryptFunction.new(CONFIG.decrypt_polling) if CONFIG.decrypt_polling Invidious::Jobs.register Invidious::Jobs::UpdateDecryptFunctionJob.new end if CONFIG.statistics_enabled Invidious::Jobs.register Invidious::Jobs::StatisticsRefreshJob.new(PG_DB, SOFTWARE) end if (CONFIG.use_pubsub_feeds.is_a?(Bool) && CONFIG.use_pubsub_feeds.as(Bool)) || (CONFIG.use_pubsub_feeds.is_a?(Int32) && CONFIG.use_pubsub_feeds.as(Int32) > 0) Invidious::Jobs.register Invidious::Jobs::SubscribeToFeedsJob.new(PG_DB, HMAC_KEY) end if CONFIG.popular_enabled Invidious::Jobs.register Invidious::Jobs::PullPopularVideosJob.new(PG_DB) end connection_channel = Channel({Bool, Channel(PQ::Notification)}).new(32) Invidious::Jobs.register Invidious::Jobs::NotificationJob.new(connection_channel, CONFIG.database_url) Invidious::Jobs.start_all def popular_videos Invidious::Jobs::PullPopularVideosJob::POPULAR_VIDEOS.get end before_all do |env| preferences = Preferences.from_json("{}") begin if prefs_cookie = env.request.cookies["PREFS"]? preferences = Preferences.from_json(URI.decode_www_form(prefs_cookie.value)) else if language_header = env.request.headers["Accept-Language"]? if language = ANG.language_negotiator.best(language_header, LOCALES.keys) preferences.locale = language.header end end end rescue preferences = Preferences.from_json("{}") end env.set "preferences", preferences env.response.headers["X-XSS-Protection"] = "1; mode=block" env.response.headers["X-Content-Type-Options"] = "nosniff" # Allow media resources to be loaded from google servers # TODO: check if *.youtube.com can be removed if CONFIG.disabled?("local") || !preferences.local extra_media_csp = " https://*.googlevideo.com:443 https://*.youtube.com:443" else extra_media_csp = "" end # Only allow the pages at /embed/* to be embedded if env.request.resource.starts_with?("/embed") frame_ancestors = "'self' http: https:" else frame_ancestors = "'none'" end # TODO: Remove style-src's 'unsafe-inline', requires to remove all # inline styles (, style=" [..] ") env.response.headers["Content-Security-Policy"] = { "default-src 'none'", "script-src 'self'", "style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'", "img-src 'self' data:", "font-src 'self' data:", "connect-src 'self'", "manifest-src 'self'", "media-src 'self' blob:" + extra_media_csp, "child-src 'self' blob:", "frame-src 'self'", "frame-ancestors " + frame_ancestors, }.join("; ") env.response.headers["Referrer-Policy"] = "same-origin" # Ask the chrom*-based browsers to disable FLoC # See: https://blog.runcloud.io/google-floc/ env.response.headers["Permissions-Policy"] = "interest-cohort=()" if (Kemal.config.ssl || CONFIG.https_only) && CONFIG.hsts env.response.headers["Strict-Transport-Security"] = "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload" end next if { "/sb/", "/vi/", "/s_p/", "/yts/", "/ggpht/", "/api/manifest/", "/videoplayback", "/latest_version", }.any? { |r| env.request.resource.starts_with? r } if env.request.cookies.has_key? "SID" sid = env.request.cookies["SID"].value if sid.starts_with? "v1:" raise "Cannot use token as SID" end # Invidious users only have SID if !env.request.cookies.has_key? "SSID" if email = Invidious::Database::SessionIDs.select_email(sid) user = Invidious::Database::Users.select!(email: email) csrf_token = generate_response(sid, { ":authorize_token", ":playlist_ajax", ":signout", ":subscription_ajax", ":token_ajax", ":watch_ajax", }, HMAC_KEY, 1.week) preferences = user.preferences env.set "preferences", preferences env.set "sid", sid env.set "csrf_token", csrf_token env.set "user", user end else headers = HTTP::Headers.new headers["Cookie"] = env.request.headers["Cookie"] begin user, sid = get_user(sid, headers, false) csrf_token = generate_response(sid, { ":authorize_token", ":playlist_ajax", ":signout", ":subscription_ajax", ":token_ajax", ":watch_ajax", }, HMAC_KEY, 1.week) preferences = user.preferences env.set "preferences", preferences env.set "sid", sid env.set "csrf_token", csrf_token env.set "user", user rescue ex end end end dark_mode = convert_theme(env.params.query["dark_mode"]?) || preferences.dark_mode.to_s thin_mode = env.params.query["thin_mode"]? || preferences.thin_mode.to_s thin_mode = thin_mode == "true" locale = env.params.query["hl"]? || preferences.locale preferences.dark_mode = dark_mode preferences.thin_mode = thin_mode preferences.locale = locale env.set "preferences", preferences current_page = env.request.path if env.request.query query = HTTP::Params.parse(env.request.query.not_nil!) if query["referer"]? query["referer"] = get_referer(env, "/") end current_page += "?#{query}" end env.set "current_page", URI.encode_www_form(current_page) end {% unless flag?(:api_only) %} Invidious::Routing.get "/", Invidious::Routes::Misc, :home Invidious::Routing.get "/privacy", Invidious::Routes::Misc, :privacy Invidious::Routing.get "/licenses", Invidious::Routes::Misc, :licenses Invidious::Routing.get "/channel/:ucid", Invidious::Routes::Channels, :home Invidious::Routing.get "/channel/:ucid/home", Invidious::Routes::Channels, :home Invidious::Routing.get "/channel/:ucid/videos", Invidious::Routes::Channels, :videos Invidious::Routing.get "/channel/:ucid/playlists", Invidious::Routes::Channels, :playlists Invidious::Routing.get "/channel/:ucid/community", Invidious::Routes::Channels, :community Invidious::Routing.get "/channel/:ucid/about", Invidious::Routes::Channels, :about ["", "/videos", "/playlists", "/community", "/about"].each do |path| # /c/LinusTechTips Invidious::Routing.get "/c/:user#{path}", Invidious::Routes::Channels, :brand_redirect # /user/linustechtips | Not always the same as /c/ Invidious::Routing.get "/user/:user#{path}", Invidious::Routes::Channels, :brand_redirect # /attribution_link?a=anything&u=/channel/UCZYTClx2T1of7BRZ86-8fow Invidious::Routing.get "/attribution_link#{path}", Invidious::Routes::Channels, :brand_redirect # /profile?user=linustechtips Invidious::Routing.get "/profile/#{path}", Invidious::Routes::Channels, :profile end Invidious::Routing.get "/watch", Invidious::Routes::Watch, :handle Invidious::Routing.post "/watch_ajax", Invidious::Routes::Watch, :mark_watched Invidious::Routing.get "/watch/:id", Invidious::Routes::Watch, :redirect Invidious::Routing.get "/shorts/:id", Invidious::Routes::Watch, :redirect Invidious::Routing.get "/clip/:clip", Invidious::Routes::Watch, :clip Invidious::Routing.get "/w/:id", Invidious::Routes::Watch, :redirect Invidious::Routing.get "/v/:id", Invidious::Routes::Watch, :redirect Invidious::Routing.get "/e/:id", Invidious::Routes::Watch, :redirect Invidious::Routing.get "/redirect", Invidious::Routes::Misc, :cross_instance_redirect Invidious::Routing.get "/embed/", Invidious::Routes::Embed, :redirect Invidious::Routing.get "/embed/:id", Invidious::Routes::Embed, :show Invidious::Routing.get "/create_playlist", Invidious::Routes::Playlists, :new Invidious::Routing.post "/create_playlist", Invidious::Routes::Playlists, :create Invidious::Routing.get "/subscribe_playlist", Invidious::Routes::Playlists, :subscribe Invidious::Routing.get "/delete_playlist", Invidious::Routes::Playlists, :delete_page Invidious::Routing.post "/delete_playlist", Invidious::Routes::Playlists, :delete Invidious::Routing.get "/edit_playlist", Invidious::Routes::Playlists, :edit Invidious::Routing.post "/edit_playlist", Invidious::Routes::Playlists, :update Invidious::Routing.get "/add_playlist_items", Invidious::Routes::Playlists, :add_playlist_items_page Invidious::Routing.post "/playlist_ajax", Invidious::Routes::Playlists, :playlist_ajax Invidious::Routing.get "/playlist", Invidious::Routes::Playlists, :show Invidious::Routing.get "/mix", Invidious::Routes::Playlists, :mix Invidious::Routing.get "/opensearch.xml", Invidious::Routes::Search, :opensearch Invidious::Routing.get "/results", Invidious::Routes::Search, :results Invidious::Routing.get "/search", Invidious::Routes::Search, :search Invidious::Routing.get "/login", Invidious::Routes::Login, :login_page Invidious::Routing.post "/login", Invidious::Routes::Login, :login Invidious::Routing.post "/signout", Invidious::Routes::Login, :signout Invidious::Routing.get "/preferences", Invidious::Routes::PreferencesRoute, :show Invidious::Routing.post "/preferences", Invidious::Routes::PreferencesRoute, :update Invidious::Routing.get "/toggle_theme", Invidious::Routes::PreferencesRoute, :toggle_theme Invidious::Routing.get "/data_control", Invidious::Routes::PreferencesRoute, :data_control Invidious::Routing.post "/data_control", Invidious::Routes::PreferencesRoute, :update_data_control # Feeds Invidious::Routing.get "/view_all_playlists", Invidious::Routes::Feeds, :view_all_playlists_redirect Invidious::Routing.get "/feed/playlists", Invidious::Routes::Feeds, :playlists Invidious::Routing.get "/feed/popular", Invidious::Routes::Feeds, :popular Invidious::Routing.get "/feed/trending", Invidious::Routes::Feeds, :trending Invidious::Routing.get "/feed/subscriptions", Invidious::Routes::Feeds, :subscriptions Invidious::Routing.get "/feed/history", Invidious::Routes::Feeds, :history # RSS Feeds Invidious::Routing.get "/feed/channel/:ucid", Invidious::Routes::Feeds, :rss_channel Invidious::Routing.get "/feed/private", Invidious::Routes::Feeds, :rss_private Invidious::Routing.get "/feed/playlist/:plid", Invidious::Routes::Feeds, :rss_playlist Invidious::Routing.get "/feeds/videos.xml", Invidious::Routes::Feeds, :rss_videos # Support push notifications via PubSubHubbub Invidious::Routing.get "/feed/webhook/:token", Invidious::Routes::Feeds, :push_notifications_get Invidious::Routing.post "/feed/webhook/:token", Invidious::Routes::Feeds, :push_notifications_post Invidious::Routing.get "/modify_notifications", Invidious::Routes::Notifications, :modify Invidious::Routing.post "/subscription_ajax", Invidious::Routes::Subscriptions, :toggle_subscription Invidious::Routing.get "/subscription_manager", Invidious::Routes::Subscriptions, :subscription_manager {% end %} Invidious::Routing.get "/ggpht/*", Invidious::Routes::Images, :ggpht Invidious::Routing.options "/sb/:authority/:id/:storyboard/:index", Invidious::Routes::Images, :options_storyboard Invidious::Routing.get "/sb/:authority/:id/:storyboard/:index", Invidious::Routes::Images, :get_storyboard Invidious::Routing.get "/s_p/:id/:name", Invidious::Routes::Images, :s_p_image Invidious::Routing.get "/yts/img/:name", Invidious::Routes::Images, :yts_image Invidious::Routing.get "/vi/:id/:name", Invidious::Routes::Images, :thumbnails # API routes (macro) define_v1_api_routes() # Video playback (macros) define_api_manifest_routes() define_video_playback_routes() get "/change_password" do |env| locale = env.get("preferences").as(Preferences).locale user = env.get? "user" sid = env.get? "sid" referer = get_referer(env) if !user next env.redirect referer end user = user.as(User) sid = sid.as(String) csrf_token = generate_response(sid, {":change_password"}, HMAC_KEY) templated "change_password" end post "/change_password" do |env| locale = env.get("preferences").as(Preferences).locale user = env.get? "user" sid = env.get? "sid" referer = get_referer(env) if !user next env.redirect referer end user = user.as(User) sid = sid.as(String) token = env.params.body["csrf_token"]? # We don't store passwords for Google accounts if !user.password next error_template(400, "Cannot change password for Google accounts") end begin validate_request(token, sid, env.request, HMAC_KEY, locale) rescue ex next error_template(400, ex) end password = env.params.body["password"]? if !password next error_template(401, "Password is a required field") end new_passwords = env.params.body.select { |k, v| k.match(/^new_password\[\d+\]$/) }.map { |k, v| v } if new_passwords.size <= 1 || new_passwords.uniq.size != 1 next error_template(400, "New passwords must match") end new_password = new_passwords.uniq[0] if new_password.empty? next error_template(401, "Password cannot be empty") end if new_password.bytesize > 55 next error_template(400, "Password cannot be longer than 55 characters") end if !Crypto::Bcrypt::Password.new(user.password.not_nil!).verify(password.byte_slice(0, 55)) next error_template(401, "Incorrect password") end new_password = Crypto::Bcrypt::Password.create(new_password, cost: 10) Invidious::Database::Users.update_password(user, new_password.to_s) env.redirect referer end get "/delete_account" do |env| locale = env.get("preferences").as(Preferences).locale user = env.get? "user" sid = env.get? "sid" referer = get_referer(env) if !user next env.redirect referer end user = user.as(User) sid = sid.as(String) csrf_token = generate_response(sid, {":delete_account"}, HMAC_KEY) templated "delete_account" end post "/delete_account" do |env| locale = env.get("preferences").as(Preferences).locale user = env.get? "user" sid = env.get? "sid" referer = get_referer(env) if !user next env.redirect referer end user = user.as(User) sid = sid.as(String) token = env.params.body["csrf_token"]? begin validate_request(token, sid, env.request, HMAC_KEY, locale) rescue ex next error_template(400, ex) end view_name = "subscriptions_#{sha256(user.email)}" Invidious::Database::Users.delete(user) Invidious::Database::SessionIDs.delete(email: user.email) PG_DB.exec("DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW #{view_name}") env.request.cookies.each do |cookie| cookie.expires = Time.utc(1990, 1, 1) env.response.cookies << cookie end env.redirect referer end get "/clear_watch_history" do |env| locale = env.get("preferences").as(Preferences).locale user = env.get? "user" sid = env.get? "sid" referer = get_referer(env) if !user next env.redirect referer end user = user.as(User) sid = sid.as(String) csrf_token = generate_response(sid, {":clear_watch_history"}, HMAC_KEY) templated "clear_watch_history" end post "/clear_watch_history" do |env| locale = env.get("preferences").as(Preferences).locale user = env.get? "user" sid = env.get? "sid" referer = get_referer(env) if !user next env.redirect referer end user = user.as(User) sid = sid.as(String) token = env.params.body["csrf_token"]? begin validate_request(token, sid, env.request, HMAC_KEY, locale) rescue ex next error_template(400, ex) end Invidious::Database::Users.clear_watch_history(user) env.redirect referer end get "/authorize_token" do |env| locale = env.get("preferences").as(Preferences).locale user = env.get? "user" sid = env.get? "sid" referer = get_referer(env) if !user next env.redirect referer end user = user.as(User) sid = sid.as(String) csrf_token = generate_response(sid, {":authorize_token"}, HMAC_KEY) scopes = env.params.query["scopes"]?.try &.split(",") scopes ||= [] of String callback_url = env.params.query["callback_url"]? if callback_url callback_url = URI.parse(callback_url) end expire = env.params.query["expire"]?.try &.to_i? templated "authorize_token" end post "/authorize_token" do |env| locale = env.get("preferences").as(Preferences).locale user = env.get? "user" sid = env.get? "sid" referer = get_referer(env) if !user next env.redirect referer end user = env.get("user").as(User) sid = sid.as(String) token = env.params.body["csrf_token"]? begin validate_request(token, sid, env.request, HMAC_KEY, locale) rescue ex next error_template(400, ex) end scopes = env.params.body.select { |k, v| k.match(/^scopes\[\d+\]$/) }.map { |k, v| v } callback_url = env.params.body["callbackUrl"]? expire = env.params.body["expire"]?.try &.to_i? access_token = generate_token(user.email, scopes, expire, HMAC_KEY) if callback_url access_token = URI.encode_www_form(access_token) url = URI.parse(callback_url) if url.query query = HTTP::Params.parse(url.query.not_nil!) else query = HTTP::Params.new end query["token"] = access_token url.query = query.to_s env.redirect url.to_s else csrf_token = "" env.set "access_token", access_token templated "authorize_token" end end get "/token_manager" do |env| locale = env.get("preferences").as(Preferences).locale user = env.get? "user" sid = env.get? "sid" referer = get_referer(env, "/subscription_manager") if !user next env.redirect referer end user = user.as(User) tokens = Invidious::Database::SessionIDs.select_all(user.email) templated "token_manager" end post "/token_ajax" do |env| locale = env.get("preferences").as(Preferences).locale user = env.get? "user" sid = env.get? "sid" referer = get_referer(env) redirect = env.params.query["redirect"]? redirect ||= "true" redirect = redirect == "true" if !user if redirect next env.redirect referer else next error_json(403, "No such user") end end user = user.as(User) sid = sid.as(String) token = env.params.body["csrf_token"]? begin validate_request(token, sid, env.request, HMAC_KEY, locale) rescue ex if redirect next error_template(400, ex) else next error_json(400, ex) end end if env.params.query["action_revoke_token"]? action = "action_revoke_token" else next env.redirect referer end session = env.params.query["session"]? session ||= "" case action when .starts_with? "action_revoke_token" Invidious::Database::SessionIDs.delete(sid: session, email: user.email) else next error_json(400, "Unsupported action #{action}") end if redirect env.redirect referer else env.response.content_type = "application/json" "{}" end end # Channels {"/channel/:ucid/live", "/user/:user/live", "/c/:user/live"}.each do |route| get route do |env| locale = env.get("preferences").as(Preferences).locale # Appears to be a bug in routing, having several routes configured # as `/a/:a`, `/b/:a`, `/c/:a` results in 404 value = env.request.resource.split("/")[2] body = "" {"channel", "user", "c"}.each do |type| response = YT_POOL.client &.get("/#{type}/#{value}/live?disable_polymer=1") if response.status_code == 200 body = response.body end end video_id = body.match(/'VIDEO_ID': "(?[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{11})"/).try &.["id"]? if video_id params = [] of String env.params.query.each do |k, v| params << "#{k}=#{v}" end params = params.join("&") url = "/watch?v=#{video_id}" if !params.empty? url += "&#{params}" end env.redirect url else env.redirect "/channel/#{value}" end end end # Authenticated endpoints # The notification APIs can't be extracted yet # due to the requirement of the `connection_channel` # used by the `NotificationJob` get "/api/v1/auth/notifications" do |env| env.response.content_type = "text/event-stream" topics = env.params.query["topics"]?.try &.split(",").uniq.first(1000) topics ||= [] of String create_notification_stream(env, topics, connection_channel) end post "/api/v1/auth/notifications" do |env| env.response.content_type = "text/event-stream" topics = env.params.body["topics"]?.try &.split(",").uniq.first(1000) topics ||= [] of String create_notification_stream(env, topics, connection_channel) end get "/Captcha" do |env| headers = HTTP::Headers{":authority" => "accounts.google.com"} response = YT_POOL.client &.get(env.request.resource, headers) env.response.headers["Content-Type"] = response.headers["Content-Type"] response.body end # Undocumented, creates anonymous playlist with specified 'video_ids', max 50 videos get "/watch_videos" do |env| response = YT_POOL.client &.get(env.request.resource) if url = response.headers["Location"]? url = URI.parse(url).request_target next env.redirect url end env.response.status_code = response.status_code end error 404 do |env| if md = env.request.path.match(/^\/(?([a-zA-Z0-9_-]{11})|(\w+))$/) item = md["id"] # Check if item is branding URL e.g. https://youtube.com/gaming response = YT_POOL.client &.get("/#{item}") if response.status_code == 301 response = YT_POOL.client &.get(URI.parse(response.headers["Location"]).request_target) end if response.body.empty? env.response.headers["Location"] = "/" halt env, status_code: 302 end html = XML.parse_html(response.body) ucid = html.xpath_node(%q(//link[@rel="canonical"])).try &.["href"].split("/")[-1] if ucid env.response.headers["Location"] = "/channel/#{ucid}" halt env, status_code: 302 end params = [] of String env.params.query.each do |k, v| params << "#{k}=#{v}" end params = params.join("&") url = "/watch?v=#{item}" if !params.empty? url += "&#{params}" end # Check if item is video ID if item.match(/^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{11}$/) && YT_POOL.client &.head("/watch?v=#{item}").status_code != 404 env.response.headers["Location"] = url halt env, status_code: 302 end end env.response.headers["Location"] = "/" halt env, status_code: 302 end error 500 do |env, ex| locale = env.get("preferences").as(Preferences).locale error_template(500, ex) end static_headers do |response| response.headers.add("Cache-Control", "max-age=2629800") end public_folder "assets" Kemal.config.powered_by_header = false add_handler FilteredCompressHandler.new add_handler APIHandler.new add_handler AuthHandler.new add_handler DenyFrame.new add_context_storage_type(Array(String)) add_context_storage_type(Preferences) add_context_storage_type(User) Kemal.config.logger = LOGGER Kemal.config.host_binding = Kemal.config.host_binding != "" ? Kemal.config.host_binding : CONFIG.host_binding Kemal.config.port = Kemal.config.port != 3000 ? Kemal.config.port : CONFIG.port Kemal.config.app_name = "Invidious" # Use in kemal's production mode. # Users can also set the KEMAL_ENV environmental variable for this to be set automatically. {% if flag?(:release) || flag?(:production) %} Kemal.config.env = "production" if !ENV.has_key?("KEMAL_ENV") {% end %} Kemal.run